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For Your Marriage

Premarital Inventories

Readiness for marriage cannot be scientifically measured, but an inventory helps engaged couples to make sure that they have discussed the most important issues. These are NOT tests, but rather instruments that prompt discussion on sometimes sensitive issues.

FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding, and Study) and ReFoccus (for couples entering a second marriage)

FACET is a tool for assessing the relationship of a couple planning to be married. It helps the couple find topics they have not discussed, and, with the encouragement of a facilitator, it enables them to have positive, productive conversations. For more information call 207-775-4757, or e-mail:

Intercommunications Publishing, Inc.
PMI (Premarital Inventory), RMI (Remarital Inventory), VMI (Validating Marriage Inventory), IMI (Intermarriage Inventory) – Marriage inventories to prepare couples for every marriage situation

PREPARE/ENRICH starts with an online inventory that customizes content to the unique relationship stage (dating, engaged, married) and structure (cohabiting, second marriage, etc.). Facilitators offer feedback and teach relationship skills. Catholic, interfaith, Spanish versions available.

Relate Inventory
Online survey developed by the Marriage Study Consortium at BYU

Fully Engaged
A Catholic catechetical pre-marriage inventory that carries a Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur. This inventory also uses a catechetical workbook for engaged couples, facilitator’s guide, free training DVD, and follow-up e-mails for the first year. Call 800-624-9019 to order a preview kit.

To Trust Again Inventory (Remarriage)
(800) 397-2282