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For Your Marriage

Teachings about Catholic marriage from our Holy Father.

St. Patrick’s Witness: A Call for Young People and Newlyweds

Wednesday, March 16, 2016: Pope Francis implored Saint Patrick’s intercession at the close of his General Audience.

There are three particular groups to whom Pope Francis reaches out at the end of his weekly audiences: the young people, the sick and infirm, and newlywed couples.

He called upon young people to allow Saint Patrick to inspire them to be courageous in their faith. Remaining steadfast in faith is so important, especially with the growth of secularism in society.

He held up Saint Patrick’s trust in Jesus during times of trial to those who were suffering from sickness and infirmity. Saint Patrick was unwavering in his belief in Christ as his savior and Pope Francis emphasized the foundational necessity of this belief, especially “in times of great difficulty.”

Finally, he looked at the witness to the missionary life that Saint Patrick provides. Pope Francis brings this focus to the eyes of newlyweds: “[Saint Patrick’s] missionary dedication reminds you, dear newlyweds, of the importance of the Christian education of your children.” Witness to the Gospel of Life starts in the home, and children should be the first recipients of a married couple’s call to discipleship.

The full address can be viewed here (summary plus video).