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For Your Marriage

Sarah married her best friend Daniel in 2009. Each month she shares about their life filled with faith and family.

Prayers for This New Year

I regret to inform you that this past week has not held much in the way of new and exciting things to write about. 2010 has arrived. This is the year that our first child will be born—which really is quite perfect, Daniel and I concluded the other day. Being born at the beginning of a new decade will always make it easy for this baby’s age to be quickly calculated.

Speaking of the baby, one of my New Year’s Resolutions this year (actually, it is my only one so far) is to say a Rosary for my child once a week, now before he is born and continuing afterwards. I would love for it to be something I continue as our family grows in the future. I have never been very good at my attempts at regular Rosary-praying, for example the several times I’ve made a Lenten promise to pray it daily, but I am determined to do this for my little one.

During this first week of the year, and as I look forward to Daniel’s and my own first anniversary in just a few months, my thoughts and prayers have been with those I know who will be married in 2010. We will be attending four weddings (at least that I know about at this point) this year. Daniel’s brother is getting married on March 6 in Birmingham, Alabama, which means for me lots of bathroom breaks during two 12-hour car rides at six months pregnant. But of course we are very excited. Then we have three good friends getting married later in the year: one on June 5 when I am about ready to pop, another in September, and one in October.

In addition, I just received the happy news this week that two of my good friends from college got engaged between Christmas and New Year’s! Congratulations to them both! I believe both couples plan to be married in 2011, but they still fit the theme.

To all of my readers who are planning weddings in 2010, I pray that God blesses you as you prepare for this wonderful sacrament! May you keep your hearts fixed on what it is you are really preparing for: a lifetime, not just a day; and may you stay as calm and as joyful as you possibly can be. I have only been married almost eight months, but I already know that there is so much happiness in store for you!