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For Your Marriage

Teachings about Catholic marriage from our Holy Father.

Jesus Brings the Generations Together

Pope Francis spoke on the Feast of the Holy Family in his Sunday Angelus on December 28, 2014, noting the celebration of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple by Mary and Joseph. They go to the Temple according to the Law, but are surprised by God’s work in their midst.

“They do not stand out to the eye, they can’t be distinguished. Yet they do not go unnoticed! Two elderly people, Simeon and Anna, moved by the Holy Spirit, approach them and begin to praise God for that Child, in which they recognize the Messiah…”

Even as a baby, Jesus brings the generations together. “He is the source of that love that unites families and people, overcoming all mistrust, all isolation, every distance.” The Pope encouraged us to reflect on grandparents and how important their presence is in the family and society.

The Holy Father went on to speak of the message of the Holy Family as one of faith that can carry people through hard times: “In the family life of Mary and Joseph, God is truly at the center, and it is in the person of Jesus… When parents and children breathe together this climate of faith, they possess an energy that allows them to confront difficult trials, as shown by the experience of the Holy Family, for example, during the tragic event of the flight into Egypt: A hard trial.” With Jesus at the center, families can endure through many trials.

The Pope calls the Holy Family an “icon” that is “simple yet illuminating.” It radiates light that can encourage people in difficult family situations to offer “human warmth” in the midst of challenges. Pope Francis led the people present in a prayer (the “Hail Mary”) for all families in difficulty, entrusting them to Mary, Queen of the family.