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For Your Marriage

Several years after Troy and Kathleen were paired up for a dance performance, they fell in love and got married. They live in a rural western suburb of Chicago with their 5 children, ages baby to college bound, and have 3 little souls in Heaven.

A Final Blog Post and New Beginnings

Over the past three years, as I have prepared to write these weekly blog posts, I have prayerfully discerned what to write about and asked the Holy Spirit to enlighten my mind and guide my pen. I have also prayed for all of you – that my writing would inspire you to live your vocation with more conviction, passion and purpose. It has been an honor to share a bit of my own striving to live my Catholic faith through the beautiful Sacrament of Marriage. As I write my final blog post, I am sad to end this journey but glad to share with you where this journey has led me.

On January 4, 2017, Troy and I were on our annual date night to set goals for our marriage and family in the new year. I had been writing blog posts for a year by that time. We always begin this date night by doing an hour of adoration followed by dinner at our favorite restaurant. There we spend hours hashing out and writing our new goals. While praying in the adoration chapel that night, I felt God was calling Troy and me to write a daily devotional for Catholic married couples. I remember leaving the chapel and googling the idea on my phone – I thought surely someone had already written a book like this, but I discovered there is actually no daily devotional for Catholic married couples on the market.

Over the next year and a half, I continued to pour my heart and passion for living Catholic marriage according to God’s plan into my writing here and through other mediums, but I was always discerning the call the Holy Spirit placed on my heart that night. Last summer, I had an opportunity to pitch my idea to the acquisitions editor for Our Sunday Visitor, the largest English-speaking Catholic publisher in the world. Praise be to God, this past October, Troy and I signed a contract with them to write the book!

While overjoyed, Troy and I also feel a huge sense of responsibility for the mission God has entrusted to our care. These past few months our own marriage has gone through some significant pruning, which has triggered tremendous growth. Just as a branch on a vine is pruned in winter in order to burst forth in the spring, we pray that the pruning God allowed in our marriage will also allow us to bear more fruit through this book.

Having a dynamic, healthy, and holy marriage requires commitment and investment by both spouses. Our prayer is that our book will be a source of daily inspiration for Catholic married couples to grow deeper in their vocations. Each reflection begins with a quote from a saint, a pope, or Scripture that can be applied to marriage followed by a short reflection, often including a real-life story, which offers encouragement and practical insights on how to live a faith-filled marriage. Woven throughout the reflections are ideas for how to apply the principles presented. Each reflection ends with a prayer.

Troy and I are amazed and humbled by where God has led us after the  simple “Yes” we gave to write a monthly blog about marriage three years ago. God has a unique plan and purpose for every marriage; He desires all marriages to be a sign and living witness of the fruitful and faithful love He has for all people. Thank you for the past three years and watch for our book in the Spring of 2020!

You can follow our journey at